Digital Shift Handover

Say goodbye to whiteboards and spreadsheets and experience streamlined communication, maximized efficiency, and enhanced collaboration during the shift handover process.
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Increase Production Performance

Empower your operations with real-time data at hand. Our user-friendly digital handover tool ensures seamless communication and boosts productivity.


Get all the information you need, from schedule attainment to downtime, issues, delays, actions to be taken, and much more


The centralized shift handover can operate across Manufacturing, Maintenance, QC, Warehouse, and beyond, providing one central window into production status


By eliminating reliance on Excel files, whiteboards, emails, and so on, you will reduce human error, minimize downtime, and keep operations running smoothly


Reduce Waste and Improve Efficiency

Manage all aspects of your global operations; projects, processes, and teams. Anchor your tiered structure on insights, not guesswork.

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One True View

Feed data from shift handover into other critical systems on site. Siloed data fuels poor decision-making and gives an inaccurate, incomplete picture to site leaders. Bring data together with EviView.

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Prevent Knowledge Loss

Maintain a historical trail of shift information to track the evolution of your team’s performance and minimize knowledge loss. Reduce the need for manual follow-up at the individual level by creating standardized processes and data collection.


Data-Driven Handovers

Empower operators to easily record key information like insights and downtime directly into the system, ensuring a smooth handover with complete visibility for the next shift and supervisors. This eliminates lost information and keeps every shift running at peak efficiency.

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Avoid Opportunity Cost

What gets measured gets managed. Shift Handover gives senior leaders a clear roadmap of priorities for high-impact changes to the production process that positively impact margin, speed-to-market, and team morale.

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Increase Visiblity

Get complete visibility on OEE, downtimes, cleaning issues, and more. Analyze this data in charts to understand recurring and persistent issues that can be solved to have a positive impact on production KPIs.

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Eliminate Information Silos

Drive engagement and accountability through interactive, efficient, and transparent collaboration. The result is that all events in operation can be easily documented, processed in a user-friendly manner, and linked to one another.

Seamlessly Communicate Shift Events



Ensure seamless transitions between production shifts with a single, easy-to-use digital shift handover tool, meaning every shift is more productive than the last.

  • Adopt the SQDIP approach
  • Clear visibility of executed and outstanding actions
  • Effective process tracking through intelligent workflows
  • Capture any variations from the standard production process


Ensure seamless transitions between production shifts with a single, easy-to-use digital shift handover tool, meaning every shift is more productive than the last.

  • Visibility of scheduled calibration, preventive, and corrective maintenance
  • Equipment issues escalated directly from manufacturing teams
  • The status of day-to-day tasks can be easily monitored


Quality Control

Quality Control gets an interconnected view into the key areas of production, ensuring they can improve quality standards.

  • Samples and delay occurrences are clearly tracked
  • Testing and non-testing activities communicated across the entire team Illustrates status of testing instruments
  • Transparent value stream tracking



Enables communication and tiered reporting on warehouse functions such as dispensing, goods receipting, and inventory counts.

  • Resource assignment and task priority scheduling
  • Increased visibility of upcoming goods inward and shipments due
  • Cross-departmental communication for sampling, material requests, and more
  • Delays can be logged and reviewed using our suite of analytical tools to identify trends and enable process improvement


Ready to Get Started with EviView?

A member of our team would love to introduce you to our platform and answer any questions you may have.

How we can help:

  • A personalized demonstration of EviView, tailored to meet your specific needs and use case.
  • Expert advice and resources to guide you on how to leverage EviView’s powerful capabilities.
EviView Dashboard screens